Tag: fun

What kind of scientist are you?

What Kind of Scientist Are You? Quiz

Are you a heroic adventurer, transcending the boundaries of space and time? Or a helpless scientist like Viktor Frankenstein, the victim of your own discovery?...

Say @helloeacr and join us on Instagram

Share your EACR photos using #EACR or tag us @helloeacr. You can also help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary in 2018 by sharing your...

Conduct cancer research while you sleep

Not feeling very productive today? You can do cancer research, or your smartphone can, while you sleep. The DreamLab app, available on the App Store...

Please listen to science

Science is great, isn't it? We've only written this post so we can include this GIF of Bill Nye the Science Guy. You're welcome.

Who are we?

The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).

Sign up for the EACR's email newsletter for cancer researchers, usually sent every 2 weeks.


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Joan Seoane

Virtual Defence is the Best Attack: Clarivate Report

Joan Tur, of Clarivate Analytics, attended February's EACR Virtual Conference, Defence is the Best Attack: Immuno-Oncology Breakthroughs. Below you can read his report about...