Be Curious like a Child; Be Ready as a Pro – Winner of the...

This summer, we invited cancer researchers at all levels to write a blog post for the fourth EACR Science Communication Prize around the theme...

A novel pan-lysyl oxidase inhibitor for improving the treatment of pancreatic cancer: Episode 16...

Dr Jessica Chitty and Dr Thomas Cox generated and validated a novel selective and irreversible pan-lysyl oxidase inhibitor: PXS-5505. Their experiments in a series...


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The Flame of Curiosity

I remember this day vividly. The cover of the book showed a female scientist holding a flask. As I got closer, it read ‘The Wonderful Madam Marie Curie’. I picked up the book and...

Defending Curiosity Against the Dark Arts of Academics

Have you ever wondered how things in the universe work? If there is magic around us? Guess what- there is something very similar to magic, called science. Like wizards exploring the secrets of magic,...

European Association for Cancer Research

The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research.

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