Tag: career advice

Arkaitz Carracedo

New EACR Board member: Arkaitz Carracedo

We are very pleased to welcome four new members to the EACR Board: Arkaitz Carracedo, Vincenzo Costanzo, Ruth Palmer and Andreas Trumpp, who were elected...

17 Science Podcasts You Should Listen to Right Now

Have a long holiday trip ahead of you? Tired of listening to the same playlist? Or simply looking for a reason to get a...

Feeling overwhelmed by academia? You are not alone

A study recently published in Nature Biotech reported that PhD and master’s students worldwide have rates of depression and anxiety that are six times...

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The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).

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Goodbye Flat Biology 2019: “Walking out of Goodbye Flat Biology I...

178 participants from 29 countries met at Harnack House in Berlin, Germany for the 4th EACR Goodbye Flat Biology Conference - Advancing 3D-based Models...