VIDEO: Why are papers rejected? How can you become a peer-reviewer? ‘Meet the Editors’ Discussion Panel with top journal editors

At the Virtual EACR Congress in June, we gathered senior editors from top cancer research journals for an insightful discussion about scientific publication.

Professors Alberto Bardelli & Caroline Dive chaired a discussion panel with seven editors from some of the top cancer research journals.

The editors answered questions from participants about a diverse range of subjects such as preprints on, ‘scooping’, how to be a reviewer, the reasons why papers are rejected, how can you improve your chances of publication, double-blind reviewing, what happens when reviewers disagree with each other, and lots of other fascinating topics!

The editors who joined the panel were:

  • Steve Mao Cancer Cell
  • I-mei Siu Cancer Discovery
  • Sara Hamilton Cell Reports Medicine
  • Roshan Ahmed Genome Medicine
  • Alexia-Ileana Zaromytidou Nature Cancer
  • Javier Carmona Nature Medicine
  • Yevgeniya Nusinovich Science Translational Medicine

EACR members can watch all of the recorded sessions from the EACR 2020 Virtual Congress in our virtual events video archive.

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