Tag: Mental Health Series

Mental health in research: What if we can’t cope on our...

This is the last in a short series of articles about mental health in research, adapted from a project Marta Oliveira, Laura Breimann and Lorena...

5 tips to take care of yourself during your PhD

We all experience stressful times during our PhD which can be fuelled by failing experiments, guilt for taking time off, jealousy of successful colleagues...
Let's talk about mental health

Let’s talk about mental health

Our mental health fluctuates as our life changes. We all have times when we feel down, stressed, or angry, and most times these feelings...

7 reasons why we get stressed during our PhD

PhD students have a 2.43 times higher risk of developing a psychiatric disorder than the rest of the highly educated population. Females and gender-nonconforming...

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The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).

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The F-word, or how to fight fires in the research literature

At home, I am constantly fighting the F-word. Channelling my mother, I find myself saying things like ‘don’t use that word’, ‘not here’, ‘not...