Tag: Horizon Europe

The EACR promotes CGI-Clinics at the EU Parliament – Implementing Cancer...

On 21 March 2023, representatives from the EACR attended a one-hour event promoting the CGI-Clinics project at the EU Parliament in Brussels, Belgium to...

CGI-Clinics: a five year community-driven project to improve personalised cancer treatments

21 – 23 November 2022 was the Kick-off Meeting of CGI-Clinics, a five-year project funded by the European Union and UK Research and Innovation,...

ITN THERADNET: What is it?

Helge C. Johannssen, Project Manager of H2020-MSCA-ITN THERADNET, recently spoke to the EACR about what THERADNET is, the partners involved, it's aims and potential...

Spotlight on the European Academy of Cancer Sciences

What is the European Academy of Cancer Sciences, and why does it matter? The European Academy of Cancer Sciences (EACS) is an independent advisory body...

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The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).

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‘Keep Research Curious’: the EACR Science Communication Prize 2024

Have you ever written a blog, or wanted to? This is your chance! Enter an article for #KeepResearchCurious: the EACR Science Communication Prize 2024....