Tag: Conference Review

“This conference is a class above the current alternatives” – EACR...

In November, the EACR held our second conference on Liquid Biopsies, this time in a virtual format. Over two afternoons there were 7 invited...

EACR webinars and virtual conferences: the “new normal”

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the cancer research community operates and the EACR has also adapted during these times. In April we...
A Matter of Life or Death 2020

A Matter of Life or Death 2020: “Extremely Inspiring”

125 people from 29 countries including New Zealand, Malaysia and India all met in the stunning Centro Congressi Giovanni XIII in Bergamo, Italy for...

Goodbye Flat Biology 2019: “Walking out of Goodbye Flat Biology I...

178 participants from 29 countries met at Harnack House in Berlin, Germany for the 4th EACR Goodbye Flat Biology Conference - Advancing 3D-based Models...

Seed and Soil 2019: “An amazing meeting with high quality speakers”

Participants from 36 countries from as far as Brazil, Australia, Malaysia and South Korea gathered in Berlin, Germany for the 2nd joint EACR-MRS Conference...

Nanotechnology in Cancer 2019: A Participant’s View

99 participants from 25 countries attended the EACR Conference on Nanotechnology in Cancer: Engineering for Oncology, at Churchill College, Cambridge, UK from 12-14 September...
Nanotechnology in Cancer

Nanotechnology in Cancer 2019: “A wonderful platform to learn”

99 participants from 25 countries attended the EACR Conference on Nanotechnology in Cancer: Engineering for Oncology, at Churchill College, Cambridge, UK from 12-14 September...

4th EACR Conference on Cancer Genomics: “An outstanding cancer genomics conference!”

250 participants from 41 countries met at Churchill College, Cambridge, UK from 23-26 June 2019 for the 4th EACR Conference on Cancer Genomics. Cancer Genomics...
Defence is the Best Attacks 2019

Defence is the Best Attack 2019: A Participant’s View

On 11-13 March 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, the EACR held the 2nd conference for Defence is the Best Attack: Immuno-Oncology Breakthroughs. The venue was...
Tracking Cancer 2019

Tracking Cancer 2019: A Participant’s View

On 4-6 February 2019, the EACR held its first conference on Tracking Cancer in the famous CosmaCaixa science museum in Barcelona. 100% of the participants...

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The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).

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Bringing cancer researchers together: Interview with EACR President in Research Features

EACR President, Professor Anton Berns, was recently interviewed for Research Features magazine about the EACR contribution to research and raising awareness, and about his own research on...