Tag: career
Scientific management as a career: Episode 15 of The Cancer Researcher...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to pursue a career in scientific management? What would a regular workday look like? What...
Editing as a scientific career: Episode 14 of The Cancer Researcher...
In this episode, we continue with our guests from episode 13 on scientific publishing, this time exploring the fascinating world of editing as a...
Navigating a job interview in the industry: A guide for new...
EACR member Danilo Maddalo, Principal Scientist at Roche/Genentech Inc, gives his top tips to consider when preparing for an interview for an industry-based research...
“I found my perfect environment”: EACR member answers your questions about...
Earlier this year we put out a call for members' questions about working in industry. We put your questions to EACR member Francesco Greco,...
From research to impact: navigating the pathways of research translation and...
At our recent virtual conference Commercialing Your Research: What's Involved? we enjoyed a brilliant programme of diverse sessions from a range of experts, including...
Top Tips for Presenting your Scientific Poster at a Conference
At the Early Career Researcher's Conference 2022, we enjoyed a brilliant programme of diverse sessions from a range of experts, including Phillipa Timmins from...
“The transition from academia to industry can be intimidating”: Career insights...
"Toto, we’re not in academia anymore…"
…this was one of the first sentences I said when I walked into my new office in Boston, USA,...
Presenting at Parliament
by Fiona Malcomson
Politicians are not my usual audience and the House of Commons is not my usual auditorium. I normally present at scientific meetings,...
‘My Science Success Story’: EACR Science Communication Prize 2021
Have you ever wanted to write a blog? Have you already written a blog but want to write more? Now is your chance! Enter...
Career in cancer research: a noble quest?
It starts out with fairytales about knights and dragons. It blossoms when you, like me, dress as Wonder Woman at Halloween. It continues with...
Who are we?
The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).
Sign up for the EACR's email newsletter for cancer researchers, usually sent every 2 weeks.
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Have a long holiday trip ahead of you? Tired of listening to the same playlist? Or simply looking for a reason to get a...