Former EACR President (and current Treasurer) Richard Marais has been nominated as a candidate for president-elect of the AACR, for which he is the first ever non-US based nominee.
Alberto Bardelli, President of the European Association for Cancer Research (2018-2020) strongly supports Professor Marais’ nomination and urges eligible AACR members to vote for him. “Richard Marais has worked tirelessly for the EACR and for the progress of cancer research during his time on the EACR Board. I am confident that he will make an excellent AACR President, bringing to the role both energy and expertise.”
Professor Marais (Director of the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute) has been a member of the EACR Board since he joined in 2004 as Secretary General. After a period as President Elect (2013-14), President (2014-16) and Past President (2016-18), he currently serves the EACR as Treasurer.
In a statement proposing his vision for the AACR’s future, Professor Marais wrote:
“As President, I will capitalize on the AACR’s wealth of talent and international reach to create cross-border and cross-continent opportunities to bring the brightest scientific minds together to investigate the complexities of cancer and ensure that the AACR continues to lead the global cancer effort.”
He also emphasised the need for multidisciplinary cooperation:
“As a basic researcher with a background in translating research discoveries into clinical practice, I understand the need to engage a broad expertise base to improve patient outcomes; the conversation between our communities has never been stronger or more productive.”
Voting AACR members can choose from the two candidates, Richard Marais and Antoni Ribas, before voting closes on Friday 15 March 2019 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. Email or postal ballots have already been sent to all voting AACR members.
The winning candidate will take up their post at the AACR Annual Meeting 2019 and serve as AACR president-elect 2019-20 and AACR President 2020-21. Voting is also open for the AACR board of directors (2019-2022), and nominating committee (2019-2021).