Preprints: how do you decide their credibility? Take part in a new study

The 'Signals of Trust in Preprints' study investigates how academics evaluate preprints

Center for Open ScienceThe Center for Open Science is seeking graduate students, post docs, researchers and academic faculty to participate in a survey to investigate the factors that affect the perceived credibility and use of preprints.

Preprints, also known as working papers, are scholarly papers shared online via public servers such as bioRxiv without undergoing formal journal-led peer review.

What’s involved?

  • A time commitment of up to 20 minutes, to complete an online survey about preprints and how you personally evaluate their credibility
  • You don’t have to currently use preprints (either uploading or reading) to participate in the study
  • Your data will be anonymous and you must be 18 or older to participate

How do I take part in the study?

Click here to enrol in the study and complete the online survey. It will take 20 minutes to complete.

If you would like more information, please contact this project’s research lead, Courtney Soderberg, Ph.D, by email:

  • Study Title: Signals of Trust in Preprints
  • IRB Protocol Number: 2192
  • Principal Investigator: Brian Nosek, Ph.D.