Nanotechnology in Cancer 2019: “A wonderful platform to learn”

Nanotechnology in Cancer99 participants from 25 countries attended the EACR Conference on Nanotechnology in Cancer: Engineering for Oncology, at Churchill College, Cambridge, UK from 12-14 September 2019.

It was the first Nanotechnology meeting to feature in EACR Conferences. In the post-conference feedback survey, 100% of participants would recommend it to others, and 98.5% rated the quality of the scientific content as ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’.

Feedback from participants:

We received many comments regarding the high quality of the keynote lectures, and the opportunity for Q&A and discussions following these lectures. The opportunities for networking and interaction scored a 100% satisfaction rating amongst participants. Much of the feedback regarding networking highlighted how the small size of the conference proved perfect for knowledge exchange between early career and senior researchers.

Nanotechnology in Cancer
Keynote Speaker, Molly Stevens

“I thought it was very relevant, cutting edge and had a great balance between keynote speakers with a vast wealth of experience in the field & early stage researchers.”

“Globally the conference was extremely interesting and profitable. The scope was focused on my research area and I was able to learn a lot. The size of the conference was well-balanced: large enough to cover the scope of the subject and small enough to properly meet all the participants, learn about their research and exchange contacts. All of this, accompanied with a great organisation.”

“The conference contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the area. All the topics presented and the discussions were excellent.”

“The conference highlighted the need for nanotechnology research and development of
nanomaterials for answering the major questions in cancer therapeutics. The talks and the lectures were of very high quality and current. It is a very good platform for networking and establishing research collaborations.”

“A lot of cutting edge science, leaders in the field. Great opportunity for students to interact directly with these leaders.”

Meeting Bursary Awards:

Nanotechnology in Cancer
The Scientific Programme Committee and Meeting Bursary Awardees (left to right): Claire Wilhelm, Kostas Kostarelos, Aria Ahmed-Cox, Marco Cordani, Miguel Fuzeta, Ana Matos, Cara Moloney, Pankhuri Narula, Angela Pine, Caroline Dive, Raymond Schiffelers

We were very pleased to award seven EACR-Worldwide Cancer Research Bursary Awards to aid students or early-career members in attending this conference. Our congratulations to:

  • Aria Ahmed-Cox Children’s Cancer Institute, Australia
  • Marco Cordani Fundación IMDEA Nanociencia, Spain
  • Miguel Fuzeta Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Ana Matos Faculdade de Farmácia, Un. Lisboa, Portugal
  • Cara Moloney University College Dublin, Ireland
  • Pankhuri Narula Indian Institute of Technology, India
  • Angela Pine University of Essex, UK

We would like to extend our gratitude to Worldwide Cancer Research for contributing to the bursaries to allow early-career researchers to attend.

Nanotechnology in Cancer
The Scientific Programme Committee with the Poster Prize winners Jessica Warrington and Mustafa Gharib

Poster Prize Winners:

Furthermore, we are delighted to pass on our congratulations to our two Poster Prize winners. These prizes were awarded based on the scientific content and layout of the posters, as well as their verbal discussion with the poster judges. Congratulations to:

  • Mustafa Gharib Center for Hybrid Nanostructures, University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Jessica Warrington University of Manchester, UK


As with every EACR Conference, a hashtag was created to promote discussion and interaction about the conference on social media channels. For this meeting, it was #NanoCancer19, which generated lots of discussion on Twitter and Instagram!

Here are some of your contributions:

Facebook gallery:

A gallery of images from the conference is available on the EACR official Facebook page, which can be found here.

Nanotechnology in Cancer
Poster Discussion session


The Scientific Programme Committee consisted of:

  • Kostas Kostarelos University of Manchester, UK (Chair)
  • Caroline Dive CRUK Manchester Institute, UK
  • Raymond Schiffelers UMC Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Claire Wilhelm Paris Diderot University, France