‘My Science Success Story’: EACR Science Communication Prize 2021

Get your writing published, boost your CV and be seen by the wider cancer research community!

EACR Science Communication Prize 2021 banner

Have you ever wanted to write a blog? Have you already written a blog but want to write more? Now is your chance! Enter an article for ‘My Science Success Story’: the EACR Science Communication Prize. The winner, and shortlist, will be published here on The Cancer Researcher. Further, the winner will also receive a free registration to an EACR Conference of their choice.

How can you enter?

  • Write a short blog post on the theme ‘My Science Success Story’.
  • Suggested length: around 400-600 words. It can be funny or serious. Take a look at some of our topic ideas below. Don’t forget an ‘About the author’ section!
  • Don’t forget to send pictures, drawings or even GIFs, to illustrate your article!

How long do I have?

Please submit your entry to us by email by 10 September 2021!

The winner will be announced on World Cancer Research Day on 24 September 2021, with the shortlist then being published over the autumn.

Who can enter?

Anybody involved in cancer research! It does not matter whether you’re a first year PhD student or a senior Professor – this is a prize with no limit on your experience, or lack of it. We will choose the winner and shortlist based on what we judge to be the best written blog post.

What can I write about?

Your blog post can be about anything relevant, but we are looking for articles that other cancer researchers will find interesting, entertaining, relatable or thought-provoking.

We have included some topic ideas below:

  • Overcoming adversity – be it a failed experiment, having your publication rejected or having to adapt to living and working in a new country.
  • The best day/period of time you’ve ever had in cancer research/the best part of your work.
  • Your greatest achievement!
  • Who is your inspiration? Did they help you? What have they done?
  • Have you ever organised or run something that went really well?

HOWEVER, don’t let these limit you! ANYTHING that’s a part of your life as a cancer researcher could be a topic for an article. Remember, success is not always about the big breakthrough or new findings, but also about the everyday small wins!

If you would like some inspiration, then please see the library of articles from our previous Science-Communication Prize!

Terms and conditions

  • You should be the original author of the blog post you submit.
  • Co-authors are allowed but one person should be listed as the lead author. The prize is limited to one free conference registration. This would be offered to the lead author. All co-authors should give their consent to enter the article in the competition.
  • You can enter more than one post.
  • You can submit a post that you’ve already used elsewhere as long as you acknowledge this on entry.
  • If you choose to send accompanying images please make sure you have the rights or permission to use them.
  • We will publish the winner and shortlisted entries on The Cancer Researcher, and we may make selective edits with the author’s final agreement. The authors will be fully credited and will retain all copyright.
  • The prize of one free registration is for any EACR virtual or in-person conference. It must be redeemed by the end of 2022.