Have you ever written a blog, or wanted to? This is your chance! Enter an article for Life in the Lab: The Cancer Researcher-EACR Science Communication Prize. The winner, and shortlist, will be published here on The Cancer Researcher.

Update: the deadline has passed and we are now closed for entries, but look out for more opportunities to contribute in the future!

Click here to read the winning entry

How to enter

  • Write a short blog post on the theme ‘Life in the Lab’.
  • Suggested length: around 400-600 words. It can be funny or serious. Have a look at our topic ideas below.
  • You can send pictures, or even GIFs, to illustrate it. We in The Cancer Researcher editorial team really like GIFs.
  • Submit your entry to us by email by 14 September 2018.

Who can enter?

  • Anyone involved in cancer research! Whether you’re a first year PhD student, principal investigator, lab technician, or oncologist – this is one prize with no limit on your experience, or lack of it. We’ll choose the winner and shortlist based on what we judge to be the best and most interesting blog post.

What should I write about?

The theme is ‘Life in the Lab’. Your blog post could be about anything relevant, but we are looking for articles that other cancer researchers will find interesting, entertaining, relatable or thought-provoking.

Here are some topic ideas, but don’t let these limit you! ANYTHING that’s a part of your life as a cancer researcher could be a topic for an article. For example: what it’s like working in different countries, job interviews over Skype, writing grant proposals, how teamwork benefits your lab, a failed experiment, work/life balance, funny moments in the lab, the steps toward publishing a paper, career advice that has benefited you, conference attendance, working with animals/cell lines/robots, when your equipment goes wrong, the best part of your job, the worst part of your job, what it’s like to organise your own conference or PhD study group… you get the idea. If it’s relevant to your life as a researcher we think you could write a great blog post about it.

Submit your entry to us by email by 14 September 2018. Any questions? Email us!

The Cancer Researcher-EACR Science Communication Prize
Time to send us those entries! Credit: Giphy

Terms and conditions

  • You should be the original author of the blog post you submit
  • Joint entries are allowed as long as all co-authors are happy to enter
  • You can enter more than one post
  • You can submit a post that you’ve already used elsewhere as long as you acknowledge this on entry
  • If you choose to send accompanying images please make sure you have the rights or permission to use them
  • We will publish the winner and shortlisted entries on The Cancer Researcher, and we may make selective edits with the author’s final agreement. The authors will be fully credited and will retain all copyright.