By Edit Oláh, Helga M Ögmundsdóttir and Hans Grunicke
We were privileged to have him as an EACR member for over 35 years and as Treasurer of our Association for over a decade (1994-2006).
It is with great sadness that we report that Klaus Schlaefer, Dipl.-Volksw., MPH, died on October 8, 2019. He joined the Division of Environmental Epidemiology of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Aug 1974 and held a senior researcher post working on non-ionizing electromagnetic fields until he retired in July 2013.
We were privileged to have him as an EACR member for over 35 years and as Treasurer of our Association for over a decade (1994-2006). We are grateful for his significant contribution to overcome the challenges faced by the Association in 2000, after both EACR-15 in Stockholm and EACR-16 in Halkidiki were poorly attended and beset with difficulties. 2002 was a turning point when we could celebrate the first multidisciplinary Congress bringing together several hundreds of researchers and clinicians at EACR-17 in Granada. EACR was starting its growth into the organization that it is today.
Klaus was a nice person, had a lovely sense of humour and this mild-mannered scientist had a passion for fast motorbikes. His other hobby was to collect clocks and watches. We keep him in our memory.