PhD Life: The Triad for Success
Undertaking a PhD, especially in a new environment, can be a difficult task. New workplace, new people, new working environment and new ways of...
Goodbye Flat Biology 2019: A Participant’s View
The 4th EACR Goodbye Flat Biology Conference: Advancing 3D-based Models for Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery | Berlin, Germany | 10-13 November 2019
As usual for...
Seed and Soil 2019: A Participant’s View
Participants from 36 countries from as far as Brazil, Australia, Malaysia and South Korea gathered in Berlin, Germany for the 2nd joint EACR-MRS Conference...
“Cancer doesn’t respect borders, so why should we?” Watch this TEDx talk on cancer...
In May this year, Professor Mark Lawler, a member of the EACR and IACR, gave a thought-provoking talk at TEDxQueensUniversityBelfast titled "Tackling Cancer Inequalities:...
“EACR Travel Fellowships are an invaluable opportunity” – Experiences from 5 EACR Travel Fellows
EACR Travel Fellowships are co-sponsored by Worldwide Cancer Research and provide funds up to €3,000 to early-career cancer researchers. For more information on how...
Nanotechnology in Cancer 2019: A Participant’s View
99 participants from 25 countries attended the EACR Conference on Nanotechnology in Cancer: Engineering for Oncology, at Churchill College, Cambridge, UK from 12-14 September...
Lorena Martin Morales – EACR Travel Fellowship
EACR Travel Fellowships are co-sponsored by Worldwide Cancer Research and provide funds up to €3,000 to early-career cancer researchers. For more information on how...
Cancer Genomics 2019: A Participant’s View
250 participants from 41 countries met at Churchill College, Cambridge, UK from 23-26 June 2019 for the 4th EACR Conference on Cancer Genomics.
The conference...
“I was very lucky” – Maria Saigí Morguí, EACR Travel Fellow
EACR Travel Fellowships are co-sponsored by Worldwide Cancer Research and provide funds up to €3,000 to early-career cancer researchers. For more information on how...
“The visit helped my career” – Georgette Tanner, EACR Travel Fellow
EACR Travel Fellowships are co-sponsored by Worldwide Cancer Research and provide funds up to €3,000 to early-career cancer researchers. For more information on how...
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The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).
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More articles
Cancer Genomics 2019: Mel Clyne’s Scientific Review
by Mel Clyne, Chief Editor of Nature Protocols
About a month ago, I attended the EACR Cancer Genomics 2019 meeting. The quality of the talks and...