
Between the Bench and the Lab Book: the Syndrome of Curiosity Loss

The Syndrome of Curiosity Loss has neither been discovered nor diagnosed, but it is certainly a widespread and shameful truth in medical research. Since...

Keeping Research Curious: The Fuel for Breakthroughs in Cancer Research

Curiosity is often hailed as the driving force behind scientific discoveries, but in the intricate world of cancer research, it’s more than just a...

Our Travel Grant winners’ experience at Cancer Metabolism 2024

We met in Bilbao, Spain for our conference Cancer Metabolism between 08 and 10 October 2024. The event was praised for its cutting-edge topics...

“Just out-of-curiosity…” is not pointless; it will shine in due course

It was just after starting my PhD. As a class, we were tasked with a mock grant application. Around the same time, I was...

Playing the game of “What If?” with AI

I still remember being a college student in 2018, completely stunned by a viral Facebook video. It showcased BioMind, an artificial intelligence (AI) system...

Curiosity Rescued: How Patient Partners Reignited my Research Spark

Halfway through my PhD, I hit the dreaded “Valley of Despair”. I was left feeling frustrated, exhausted and uninterested, wondering if I’d ever rekindle...

When curiosity is the catalyst, innovation is the product

Imagine a teeny-tiny cell living peacefully in some organ alongside its clone-sisters. Now, picture it suddenly, somehow, acquiring superpowers: it is now able to...

“This has helped me develop a more holistic understanding of cancer research”: Ana Añazco...

Ana Añazco Guenkova is a PhD student at the Centro de Investigación del Cáncer in Spain who received an EACR Travel Fellowship to visit...

EACR Researcher Development Grant winners’ experiences

Last year we awarded 13 EACR Researcher Development Grants to help EACR members based in countries with a low- or middle-income economy who need...

“This collaboration is expected to lead to a potential joint publication”: Fabio Alfieri’s EACR...

Fabio Alfieri is a PhD student at the European Institute of Oncology in Italy who received an EACR Travel Fellowship to visit and work...

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The Cancer Researcher is an online magazine for the cancer research community from the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR).

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“The trip has been a great opportunity to realise my personal...

Becky Andrews is an EACR Travel Fellowship recipient who returned from Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland in July 2022. The EACR has joined forces with Worldwide...