Above image credit: Anton Balazh
The Lancet Oncology has just released a new Commission, European Groundshot, addressing the triple threat currently facing cancer research across Europe. The impact of Covid-19, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Brexit can be seen in an estimated one million missed cancer diagnoses, with experts warning of an impending cancer epidemic in the next decade.
The report also identifies gaps in the current European cancer research landscape, calling for increased funding, action on gender equality, and the prioritisation of cancer prevention, cancer screening, and early cancer detection research.
See the below infographic for a concise summary of the key findings of European Groundshot:
[pdf-embedder url=”http://magazine.eacr.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Infographic-1.pdf” title=”Infographic (1)”]
To read the The Lancet Oncology Commission: European Groundshot in full, click here.
We are sure you will agree that the findings detailed in this report are of critical importance to the European cancer research community, and invite you to join in the conversation on Twitter using #CancerGroundshot. Follow @TheLancetOncol, @TheLancet, @EuropeanCancer, @QUBelfast, and @KingsCollegeLon for updates.